Video Enhanced Lesson Plan
Instructor: Taylor Williams
Lesson Title: Crucifixion Friday
Introduction: In this lesson we will be learning about the historical characteristics of crucifixtion as well as the process Jesus went through on his execution day.
Content Area: Bible
Grade: 8
Standards Addressed: BB3 (International Christian School Standards) Students will examine major biblical teachings through systematic study of God's Word by (Soteriology) comparing the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ as explained in the Gospels, Olt Testament typology, prophecy and foreshadowing of Christ.
-Define crucifixion and its historical significance outside of the story of Christ
-Understand the physical damage of crucifixion and the process leading to a victim's death
-Explain the sacrifice of Jesus with greater knowledge to the pain of his death
Relative Advantage: Bringing in both a physical demonstration (non lethal) as well as the videos and still picture examples allows the students to gain a better understanding of crucifixion that they might not have had from simply reading the story from the Bible.
Timeline: 70 minutes
-Desks stacked to the side of the room, chairs in a circle
-8 desks shaped in the form of a cross in the middle of the circle
-White Board markers
-Student notebooks
-Student pens
-Student computers
-Ppt. Presentation
-Exit Ticket Assignment (posted on Schoology)
Grouping Strategies: Since students have 1:1 computers, no grouping will be necessary for this lesson. There will however be periodic discussion between students sitting next to each other. I will be very specific on which students sit with each other.
Learning Activities:
1. As students enter the room, they will answer the question "What does crucifixion mean to you?" on their Bible class blog (student's computers needed)
2. Once finished with the blog, students will put computers away and we will begin following the ppt. and discussing the history and details of crucifixion (see Appendix 1)
3. During the discussion, students will discuss different questions related to crucifixion in peer response to each other
4. During the discussion 1 student will volunteer to be an example victim on our cross in the middle of the room.
5. Students will observe medical images of the damage crucifixion does to one's body
6. Students will watch an animated video of the crucifixion (see Appendix 2)
7. Students will fill out an exit ticket using their computers
1. Students will write a blog as a pre assessment of their knowledge of crucifixion before the class begins.
2. Students will peer assess each other with periodic discussion questions
3. Students will fill out an exit ticket to reflect on what they have learned.
Adaptations for Learners with Special Needs:
1. Students with special needs will be given a hard copy of the powerpoint notes, including questions asked by the instructor.
2. Students with special needs will be paired with their "buddies" to encourage their discussion at specific times of the lesson.
Story of God and His People: A light to the Gentiles-Grade 8 Textbook by Jesslyn Deboer, Hazel Timmer
Powerpoint images found on Google Images
Jesus Anime:
Lesson Title: Crucifixion Friday
Introduction: In this lesson we will be learning about the historical characteristics of crucifixtion as well as the process Jesus went through on his execution day.
Content Area: Bible
Grade: 8
Standards Addressed: BB3 (International Christian School Standards) Students will examine major biblical teachings through systematic study of God's Word by (Soteriology) comparing the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ as explained in the Gospels, Olt Testament typology, prophecy and foreshadowing of Christ.
-Define crucifixion and its historical significance outside of the story of Christ
-Understand the physical damage of crucifixion and the process leading to a victim's death
-Explain the sacrifice of Jesus with greater knowledge to the pain of his death
Relative Advantage: Bringing in both a physical demonstration (non lethal) as well as the videos and still picture examples allows the students to gain a better understanding of crucifixion that they might not have had from simply reading the story from the Bible.
Timeline: 70 minutes
-Desks stacked to the side of the room, chairs in a circle
-8 desks shaped in the form of a cross in the middle of the circle
-White Board markers
-Student notebooks
-Student pens
-Student computers
-Ppt. Presentation
-Exit Ticket Assignment (posted on Schoology)
Grouping Strategies: Since students have 1:1 computers, no grouping will be necessary for this lesson. There will however be periodic discussion between students sitting next to each other. I will be very specific on which students sit with each other.
Learning Activities:
1. As students enter the room, they will answer the question "What does crucifixion mean to you?" on their Bible class blog (student's computers needed)
2. Once finished with the blog, students will put computers away and we will begin following the ppt. and discussing the history and details of crucifixion (see Appendix 1)
3. During the discussion, students will discuss different questions related to crucifixion in peer response to each other
4. During the discussion 1 student will volunteer to be an example victim on our cross in the middle of the room.
5. Students will observe medical images of the damage crucifixion does to one's body
6. Students will watch an animated video of the crucifixion (see Appendix 2)
7. Students will fill out an exit ticket using their computers
1. Students will write a blog as a pre assessment of their knowledge of crucifixion before the class begins.
2. Students will peer assess each other with periodic discussion questions
3. Students will fill out an exit ticket to reflect on what they have learned.
Adaptations for Learners with Special Needs:
1. Students with special needs will be given a hard copy of the powerpoint notes, including questions asked by the instructor.
2. Students with special needs will be paired with their "buddies" to encourage their discussion at specific times of the lesson.
Story of God and His People: A light to the Gentiles-Grade 8 Textbook by Jesslyn Deboer, Hazel Timmer
Powerpoint images found on Google Images
Jesus Anime:
Appendix 1
Appendix 2