Networking Project
How Networks Work Lesson Plan
Subject: 8th Grade Advisory
Teacher: Mr. Williams
Grade: 8
Date: August 1, 2014
This lesson covers the basic information about a LAN (local area network). This is simply an introduction lesson and will simply cover the basic steps to understanding what a LAN is and what it looks like.
(From the CSTA Standards)
Computer and Communications Devices
K–12 students at all levels should understand the
elements of modern computer and communication
devices and networks.
Teacher Guide
-Understand the definition and setup of a LAN
-Explore and Identify the hardware of a LAN
Posted within the NearPod presentation
Relative Advantage
1.Learning Problem: Students do not understand what a LAN is
2. Technologies: Youtube, Xmind, NearPod Presentation
3. Relative Advantage: Students will meet objectives in understanding the concept of a LAN, the hardware use d to create a LAN and be able to map their home LAN using Xmind.
From this lesson students will begin the process of being more familiar and comfortable with the technology they are using.
1. Do-Now: Inserted into the beginning of the NearPod presentation
2. Peer Assessment: Students will work together to create a LAN map of the classroom
3. Exit Ticket: Students will use Xmind to create an image of their home LAN.
4. Students will take one final formative assessment quiz that will determine what areas need to be retaught or reviewed in the next class.
1. *5 min- Students will enter class, open their computers, login to NearPod and start the DoNow Quiz.
2. *5 min- Brief introduction of the lesson and lesson objectives
3. 15 min- Explanation of LAN, Hardware, Connections and show example map.
4. 10 min- Students use paper and pencil to draw a map of the classroom LAN. Go over the classroom LAN map as a class.
5. 5 min – Students watch youtube video on LAN explanation
6. 20 Min- Students complete Exit Question and create LAN map of their home network. Students will turn in a JPEG of the Xmind to the Schoology drop box (already created)
1. As students enter be sure to have the NearPod pin posted on the board or on the screen so that they can be connected to the presentation on their computers
2. The introduction objectives and explanation are all on the presentation, very self explanatory, just follow the power point.
All Images from Google Images
Cisco Mobile Office Net Software. (n.d.). LAN Solutions Guide for Primary and Secondary Schools []. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from
Seehorn, D. (2011). CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards ( ed.). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
What is LAN? Tech Terms with Esther. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved June 18, 2014, from
Subject: 8th Grade Advisory
Teacher: Mr. Williams
Grade: 8
Date: August 1, 2014
This lesson covers the basic information about a LAN (local area network). This is simply an introduction lesson and will simply cover the basic steps to understanding what a LAN is and what it looks like.
(From the CSTA Standards)
Computer and Communications Devices
K–12 students at all levels should understand the
elements of modern computer and communication
devices and networks.
Teacher Guide
-Understand the definition and setup of a LAN
-Explore and Identify the hardware of a LAN
Posted within the NearPod presentation
Relative Advantage
1.Learning Problem: Students do not understand what a LAN is
2. Technologies: Youtube, Xmind, NearPod Presentation
3. Relative Advantage: Students will meet objectives in understanding the concept of a LAN, the hardware use d to create a LAN and be able to map their home LAN using Xmind.
From this lesson students will begin the process of being more familiar and comfortable with the technology they are using.
1. Do-Now: Inserted into the beginning of the NearPod presentation
2. Peer Assessment: Students will work together to create a LAN map of the classroom
3. Exit Ticket: Students will use Xmind to create an image of their home LAN.
4. Students will take one final formative assessment quiz that will determine what areas need to be retaught or reviewed in the next class.
1. *5 min- Students will enter class, open their computers, login to NearPod and start the DoNow Quiz.
2. *5 min- Brief introduction of the lesson and lesson objectives
3. 15 min- Explanation of LAN, Hardware, Connections and show example map.
4. 10 min- Students use paper and pencil to draw a map of the classroom LAN. Go over the classroom LAN map as a class.
5. 5 min – Students watch youtube video on LAN explanation
6. 20 Min- Students complete Exit Question and create LAN map of their home network. Students will turn in a JPEG of the Xmind to the Schoology drop box (already created)
1. As students enter be sure to have the NearPod pin posted on the board or on the screen so that they can be connected to the presentation on their computers
2. The introduction objectives and explanation are all on the presentation, very self explanatory, just follow the power point.
All Images from Google Images
Cisco Mobile Office Net Software. (n.d.). LAN Solutions Guide for Primary and Secondary Schools []. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from
Seehorn, D. (2011). CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards ( ed.). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
What is LAN? Tech Terms with Esther. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved June 18, 2014, from